The latest Economic Forecast Summary from the OECD is happy reading regarding Australia’s outlook in the mid term. They state “Economic growth is projected to increase gradually and reach almost 3% by 2018. The drag on growth from declining resource-sector investment will fade and gathering momentum outside the resource sector will support wage and employment growth, thus boosting consumer spending… Given the good fiscal position, p
rojects with high rates of return should be pursued. Australia is distant from major world markets but is nevertheless well integrated into global markets. Sound policies have helped. In particular, Australia’s immigration and visa systems have been critical to demographic and economic development.” We keep saying this: Australia (and Victoria in particular) is a great place to invest in business. If you’re thinking about buying an established business talk to us here at First Choice Business Brokers on 9899-1888 to benefit from our years of experience, and to help you on your journey.