The Victorian Government has announced the following changes in restrictions, commencing at 11:59PM on Tuesday 27 July 2021.
- There are no longer any restrictions on travelling across the state, including travelling to and from regional Victoria.
- Inspections are now permitted under private appointment with a maximum number of 10 people.
- Social distancing is still required. Inspection attendees will need to adhere to a density quotient of 1 person per 4sqm. As a general rule, try to stay 1.5m away from people who do not live in the same household as you.
- Face masks will continue to be mandatory both indoors and outdoors.
- Offices can increase in attendance to 25% capacity or 10 people, whichever is greater.
First Choice will resume in-person business operations with these new restrictions in mind. Should you require support or need any queries answered, our brokers are always available to be contacted by mobile or email. Spring is also around the corner. Spring time is traditionally the best time of the year to buy and sell businesses. More people choose to buy or sell during spring, and there is more choice for buyers. You can expect to see greater numbers of high quality listings from us over the next few months.
Stay safe and healthy, and remember that we are always here to help.